Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Gingerbread Man

I've finished another felt board to take for entertainment on our coming plane trip. This tells the story of "The Gingerbread Man". It's funny I often chant the refrain when we're running around or playing chasey though Rainbow doesn't know the story.
Here's the little old lady getting the gingerbread man out of the oven. Here everyone is in hot pursuit "Run, Run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man."Finally towards the end as the fox 'helps' the gingerbread man across the river. "You're getting wet. Move up on to my nose. You'll be safe and dry there!"
I find it interesting that at 3 1/2 Rainbow already knows which animals are characterised as 'bad' in stories. She's already picked the fox in this story.
Last week I chose two books from the library for her. Stories she has enjoyed but hasn't had for a long time - both coincidentally feature a bear "Where's my teddy?" and "The Mouse, the Ted, Ripe strawberry and the Hungry Bear" Rainbow was truly nervous about reading these stories because they feature a bear.

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