Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Orchid Enthusiasts - a dangerous hobby

Jandakot Airport's plans to clear bush to put in an access road threatens the Caladenia Huegelii. 45 percent of known specimens are found on this piece of land.

This is our friend Clive's car. He was out taking photographs.
The rather aggressive bulldozer drivers obviously noticed his WANOSCG (Western Australian Native Orchid Study and Conservation Group) sticker.


  1. Outrageous! What did the bulldozer drivers have to say for themselves when Clive talked to them? Or was he able to get out?

  2. There were 6 burly men who were all simultaneously accusing him of tresspassing. He wasn't actually in the area where the sign was. (That was a little creative license on my part - a souverneir from our orchid trip.) Clive says they were very agressive and appeared to be trying to get him to start a fight. They wouldn't move the trucks and eventually after a six point turn Clive manouvered out.

  3. Thanks for letting me know! Maybe a group from WANOSGC should return the favour and use their cars to surround a digger.... no, only joking, I know that wouldn't help... but it's a nice thought ;-)
